Command execution and arguments
all - includes everyone
others - includes everyone except you
me - includes your player only
@username - searches for players by username only (ignores displaynames)
#[number] - gets a specified amount of random players
random - affects a random player
%[team name] - includes everyone on a given team
allies / team - players who are on your team
enemies / nonteam - players who are not on your team
friends - anyone who is friends with you (might not work on someone if ran immediately after you friend them)
nonfriends - anyone who is not friends with you
guests - guest players (I don't think guests even exist anymore)
bacons - anyone with the "bacon" or pal hair
age[number] - includes anyone below or at the given age
rad[number] - includes anyone within the given radius
nearest - gets the closest player to you
farthest - gets the farthest player from you
group[ID] - gets players who are in a certain group
alive - gets players who are alive
dead - gets players who are dead
Get multiple players using commas: ;locate noob,noob2,bob
You can use - to exclude and + to include / - to set difference and + to set intersection
;locate -age15 - gets everyone above age 15 instead of below
[How many times it loops]^[delay (optional)]^[command]
The "breakloops" command stops all running loops
;5^btools - gives you 5 sets of btools
;10^3^drophats - drops your hats every 3 seconds 10 times
;inf^0.1^animspeed 100 - infinitely loops your animation speed to 100
You can execute multiple commands at once using "\"
;drophats\respawn - drops your hats and respawns you
;enable inventory\enable playerlist\refresh - enables those coregui items and refreshes you
While focused on the command bar, you can use the up and down arrow keys to browse recently used commands
Autocomplete in the command bar:
While focused on the command bar, you can use the tab key to insert the top suggested command into the command bar.
Infinite Yield FE Commands
- console (Loads old Roblox console)
- explorer / dex (Opens DEX explorer)
- remotespy / rspy (Opens FrostHook Spy)
- audiologger / alogger (Opens Edges audio logger)
- serverinfo / info (Gives you info about the server)
- jobid (Copies the games JobId to your clipboard)
- notifyjobid (Notifies you the games JobId)
- rejoin / rj (Makes you rejoin the game)
- autorejoin / autorj (Automatically rejoins the server if you get kicked/disconnected)
- serverhop / shop (Teleports you to a different server)
- joinplayer [username / ID] [place ID] (Joins a specific players server)
- gameteleport / gametp [place ID] (Joins a game by ID)
- antiidle / antiafk (Prevents the game from kicking you for being idle/afk)
- datalimit [num] (Set outgoing KBPS limit)
- replicationlag / backtrack [num] (Set IncomingReplicationLag)
- creatorid / creator (Notifies you the creators ID)
- copycreatorid / copycreator (Copies the creators ID to your clipboard)
- setcreatorid / setcreator (Sets your userid to the creators ID)
- noprompts (Prevents the game from showing you purchase/premium prompts)
- showprompts (Allows the game to show purchase/premium prompts again)
- enable [inventory/playerlist/chat/all] (Toggles visibility of coregui items)
- disable [inventory/playerlist/chat/all] (Toggles visibility of coregui items)
- showguis (Shows any invisible GUIs)
- unshowguis (Undoes showguis)
- hideguis (Hides any GUIs in PlayerGui)
- unhideguis (Undoes hideguis)
- guidelete (Enables backspace to delete GUI)
- unguidelete / noguidelete (Disables guidelete)
- hideiy (Hides the main IY GUI)
- showiy / unhideiy (Shows IY again)
- savegame / saveplace (Uses saveinstance to save the game)
- clearerror (Clears the annoying box and blur when a game kicks you)
- clientantikick / antikick (CLIENT) (Prevents localscripts from kicking you)
- clientantiteleport / antiteleport (CLIENT) (Prevents localscripts from teleporting you)
- allowrejoin / allowrj [true/false] (CLIENT) (Changes if antiteleport allows you to rejoin or not)
- cancelteleport / canceltp (Cancels teleports in progress)
- volume / vol [0-10] (Adjusts your game volume on a scale of 0 to 10)
- antilag / boostfps / lowgraphics (Lowers game quality to boost FPS)
- record / rec (Starts roblox recorder)
- screenshot / scrnshot (Takes a screenshot)
- togglefullscreen / togglefs (Toggles fullscreen)
- notify [text] (Sends you a notification with the provided text)
- lastcommand / lastcmd (Executes the previous command used)
- exit (Kills roblox process)
- noclip (Go through objects)
- unnoclip / clip (Disables noclip)
- fly [speed] (Makes you fly)
- unfly (Disables fly)
- flyspeed [num] (Set fly speed (default is 20))
- vehiclefly / vfly [speed] (Makes you fly in a vehicle)
- unvehiclefly / unvfly (Disables vehicle fly)
- vehicleflyspeed / vflyspeed [num] (Set vehicle fly speed)
- cframefly / cfly [speed] (Makes you fly, bypassing some anti cheats)
- uncframefly / uncfly (Disables cfly)
- cframeflyspeed / cflyspeed [num] (Sets cfly speed)
- qefly [true / false] (enables or disables the Q and E hotkeys for fly)
- vehiclenoclip / vnoclip (Turns off vehicle collision)
- vehicleclip / vclip / unvnoclip (Enables vehicle collision)
- float / platform (Spawns a platform beneath you causing you to float)
- unfloat / noplatform (Removes the platform)
- swim (Allows you to swim in the air)
- unswim / noswim (Stops you from swimming everywhere)
- setwaypoint / swp [name] (Sets a waypoint at your position)
- waypointpos / wpp [name] [X Y Z] (Sets a waypoint with specified coordinates)
- showwaypoints / showwp (Shows all currently set waypoints)
- hidewaypoints / hidewp (Hides shown waypoints)
- waypoint / wp [name] (Teleports player to a waypoint)
- tweenwaypoint / twp [name] (Tweens player to a waypoint)
- walktowaypoint / wtwp [name] (Walks player to a waypoint)
- deletewaypoint / dwp [name] (Deletes a waypoint)
- clearwaypoints / cwp (Clears all waypoints)
- goto [plr] (Go to a player)
- tweengoto / tgoto [plr] (Tween to a player (bypasses some anti cheats))
- tweenspeed / tspeed [num] (Sets how fast all tween commands go (default is 1))
- vehiclegoto / vgoto [plr] (Go to a player while in a vehicle)
- loopgoto [plr] [distance] [delay] (Loop teleport to a player)
- unloopgoto (Stops teleporting you to a player)
- pulsetp / ptp [plr] [seconds] (Teleports you to a player for a set time)
- clientbring / cbring [plr] (CLIENT) (Bring a player)
- loopbring [plr] [distance] [delay] (CLIENT) (Loop brings a player to you (useful for killing))
- unloopbring [plr] (Undoes loopbring)
- freeze / fr [plr] (CLIENT) (Freezes a player)
- thaw / unfr [plr] (CLIENT) (Unfreezes a player)
- tpposition / tppos [X Y Z] (Teleports you to certain coordinates)
- tweentpposition / ttppos [X Y Z] (Tween to coordinates (bypasses some anti cheats))
- offset [X Y Z] (Offsets you by certain coordinates)
- tweenoffset / toffset [X Y Z] (Tween offset (bypasses some anti cheats))
- notifyposition / notifypos [plr] (Notifies you the coordinates of a character)
- copyposition / copypos [plr] (Copies the coordinates of a character to your clipboard)
- walktoposition / walktopos [X Y Z] (Makes you walk to a coordinate)
- spawnpoint / spawn [delay] (Sets a position where you will spawn)
- nospawnpoint / nospawn (Removes your custom spawn point)
- flashback / diedtp (Teleports you to where you last died)
- walltp (Teleports you above/over any wall you run into)
- nowalltp / unwalltp (Disables walltp)
- teleporttool / tptool (Gives you a teleport tool)
- logs (Opens the logs GUI)
- chatlogs / clogs (Log what people say or whisper)
- joinlogs / jlogs (Log when people join)
- chat / say [text] (Makes you chat a string (possible mute bypass))
- spam [text] (Makes you spam the chat)
- unspam (Turns off spam)
- whisper / pm [plr] [text] (Makes you whisper a string to someone (possible mute bypass))
- pmspam [plr] [text] (Makes you spam a players whispers)
- unpmspam [plr] (Turns off pm spam)
- spamspeed [num] (How quickly you spam (default is 1))
- bubblechat (CLIENT) (Enables bubble chat for your client)
- unbubblechat / nobubblechat (Disables the bubblechat command)
- safechat (Enables safe chat)
- nosafechat / disablesafechat (Disables safechat)
- esp (View all players and their status)
- noesp / unesp (Removes esp)
- partesp [part name] (Highlights a part)
- unpartesp / nopartesp [part name] (removes partesp)
- chams (ESP but without text in the way)
- nochams / unchams (Removes chams)
- locate [plr] (View a single player and their status)
- unlocate / nolocate [plr] (Removes locate)
- xray (Makes all parts in workspace transparent)
- unxray / noxray (Restores transparency)
- spectate / view [plr] (View a player)
- viewpart / viewp [part name] (View a part)
- unspectate / unview (Stops viewing player)
- freecam / fc (Allows you to freely move camera around the game)
- freecampos / fcpos [X Y Z] (Moves / opens freecam in a certain position)
- freecamwaypoint / fcwp [name] (Moves / opens freecam to a waypoint)
- freecamgoto / fcgoto / fctp [plr] (Moves / opens freecam to a player)
- unfreecam / unfc (Disables freecam)
- freecamspeed / fcspeed [num] (Adjusts freecam speed (default is 1))
- gotocamera / gotocam (Teleports you to the location of your camera)
- tweengotocam / tgotocam (Tweens you to the location of your camera)
- firstp (Forces camera to go into first person)
- thirdp (Allows camera to go into third person)
- noclipcam / nccam (Allows camera to go through objects like walls)
- maxzoom [num] (Maximum camera zoom)
- minzoom [num] (Minimum camera zoom)
- fov [num] (Adjusts field of view (default is 70))
- fixcam / restorecam (Fixes camera)
- enableshiftlock / enablesl (Enables the shift lock option)
- lookat [plr] (Moves your camera view to a player)
- btools (CLIENT) (Gives you building tools (DOES NOT REPLICATE))
- f3x (CLIENT) (Gives you F3X building tools (DOES NOT REPLICATE))
- partname / partpath (Allows you to click a part to see its path & name)
- delete [instance name] (CLIENT) (Removes any part with a certain name from the workspace (DOES NOT REPLICATE))
- deleteclass / dc [class name] (CLIENT) (Removes any part with a certain classname from the workspace (DOES NOT REPLICATE))
- lockworkspace / lockws (Locks the whole workspace)
- unlockworkspace / unlockws (Unlocks the whole workspace)
- invisibleparts / invisparts (CLIENT) (Shows invisible parts)
- uninvisibleparts / uninvisparts (CLIENT) (Makes parts affected by invisparts return to normal)
- deleteinvisparts / dip (CLIENT) (Deletes invisible parts)
- gotopart [part name] (Moves your character to a part or multiple parts)
- tweengotopart / tgotopart [part name] (Tweens your character to a part or multiple parts)
- gotopartclass / gpc [class name] (Moves your character to a part or multiple parts based on classname)
- tweengotopartclass / tgpc [class name] (Tweens your character to a part or multiple parts based on classname)
- gotomodel [part name] (Moves your character to a model or multiple models)
- tweengotomodel / tgotomodel [part name] (Tweens your character to a model or multiple models)
- gotopartdelay / gotomodeldelay [num] (Adjusts how quickly you teleport to each part (default is 0.1))
- bringpart [part name] (CLIENT) (Moves a part or multiple parts to your character)
- bringpartclass / bpc [class name] (CLIENT) (Moves a part or multiple parts to your character based on classname)
- noclickdetectorlimits / nocdlimits (Sets all click detectors MaxActivationDistance to math.huge)
- fireclickdetectors / firecd (Uses all click detectors in a game)
- firetouchinterests / touchinterests (Uses all touchinterests in a game)
- simulationradius / simradius (Sets your SimulationRadius to math.huge)
- nosimulationradius / nosimradius (Turns off the SimulationRadius loop and restores values to default)
- tpunanchored / tpua [plr] (Teleports unanchored parts to a player)
- freezeunanchored / freezeua (Freezes unanchored parts)
- thawunanchored / thawua / unfreezeua (Thaws unanchored parts)
- removeterrain / rterrain / noterrain (Removes all terrain)
- clearnilinstances / nonilinstances / cni (Removes nil instances)
- destroyheight / dh [num] (Sets FallenPartsDestroyHeight)
- fullbright / fb (CLIENT) (Makes the map brighter / more visible)
- loopfullbright / loopfb (CLIENT) (Makes the map brighter / more visible but looped)
- ambient [num] [num] [num] (CLIENT) (Changes ambient)
- day (CLIENT) (Changes the time to day for the client)
- night (CLIENT) (Changes the time to night for the client)
- nofog (CLIENT) (Removes fog)
- brightness [num] (CLIENT) (Changes the brightness lighting property)
- globalshadows / gshadows (CLIENT) (Enables global shadows)
- noglobalshadows / nogshadows (CLIENT) (Disables global shadows)
- restorelighting / rlighting (Restores Lighting properties)
- light [radius] [brightness] (CLIENT) (Gives your player dynamic light)
- nolight / unlight (Removes dynamic light from your player)
- inspect / examine [plr] (Opens InspectMenu for a certain player)
- age [plr] (Tells you the age of a player)
- chatage [plr] (Chats the age of a player)
- joindate / jd [plr] (Tells you the date the player joined Roblox)
- chatjoindate / cjd [plr] (Chats the date the player joined Roblox)
- copyname / copyuser [plr] (Copies a players full username to your clipboard)
- userid / id [plr] (Notifies a players user ID)
- copyuserid / copyid [plr] (Copies a players user ID to your clipboard)
- appearanceid / aid [plr] (Notifies a players appearance ID)
- copyappearanceid / caid [plr] (Copies a players appearance ID to your clipboard)
- bang [plr] [speed] (owo)
- unbang (uwu)
- carpet [plr] (Be someones carpet)
- uncarpet (Undoes carpet)
- friend [plr] (Sends a friend request to certain players)
- unfriend [plr] (Unfriends certain players)
- headsit [plr] (Sit on a players head)
- walkto / follow [plr] (Follow a player)
- pathfindwalkto / pathfindfollow [plr] (Follow a player using pathfinding)
- unwalkto / unfollow (Stops following a player)
- stareat / stare [plr] (Stare / look at a player)
- unstareat / unstare [plr] (Disables stareat)
- attach [plr] (TOOL) (Attaches you to a player (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- kill [plr] (TOOL) (Kills a player (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- fastkill [plr] (TOOL) (Kills a player (less reliable) (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- handlekill / hkill [plr] (TOOL) (Kills a player using tool damage (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- bring [plr] (TOOL) (Brings a player (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- fastbring [plr] (TOOL) (Brings a player (less reliable) (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- teleport / tp [plr] [plr] (TOOL) (Teleports a player to another player (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- fastteleport / fasttp [plr] [plr] (TOOL) (Teleports a player to another player (less reliable) (YOU NEED A TOOL))
- fling (Flings anyone you touch)
- unfling (Disables the fling command)
- invisfling (Enables invisible fling)
- loopoof (Loops everyones character sounds (everyone can hear))
- unloopoof (Stops the oof chaos)
- muteboombox [plr] (Mutes someones boombox)
- unmuteboombox [plr] (Unmutes someones boombox)
- unloopoof (Stops the oof chaos)
- hitbox [plr] [size] (Expands the hitbox for players heads (default is 1))
- reset (Resets your character normally)
- respawn (Respawns you)
- refresh / re (Respawns and brings you back to the same position)
- god (Makes your character difficult to kill in most games)
- invisible / invis (Makes you invisible to other players)
- visible / vis (Makes you visible to other players)
- toolinvisible / toolinvis / tinvis (Makes you invisible to other players and able to use tools)
- speed / ws [num] (Change your walkspeed)
- loopspeed / loopws [num] (Loops your walkspeed)
- unloopspeed / unloopws (Turns off loopspeed)
- hipheight / hheight [num] (Adjusts hip height)
- jumppower / jpower / jp [num] (Change a players jump height)
- loopjumppower / loopjp [num] (Loops your jump height)
- unloopjumppower / unloopjp [num] (Turns off loopjumppower)
- maxslopeangle / msa [num] (Adjusts MaxSlopeAngle)
- gravity / grav [num] (CLIENT) (Change your gravity)
- sit (Makes your character sit)
- sitwalk (Makes your character sit while still being able to walk)
- nosit (Prevents your character from sitting)
- unnosit (Disables nosit)
- jump (Makes your character jump)
- infinitejump / infjump (Allows you to jump before hitting the ground)
- uninfinitejump / uninfjump (Disables infjump)
- flyjump (Allows you to hold space to fly up)
- unflyjump (Disables flyjump)
- autojump / ajump (Automatically jumps when you run into an object)
- unautojump / unajump (Disables autojump)
- edgejump / ejump (Automatically jumps when you get to the edge of an object)
- unedgejump / unejump (Disables edgejump)
- platformstand / stun (Enables PlatformStand)
- unplatformstand / unstun (Disables PlatformStand)
- norotate / noautorotate (Disables AutoRotate)
- unnorotate / autorotate (Enables AutoRotate)
- enablestate [StateType] (Enables a humanoid state type)
- disablestate [StateType] (Disables a humanoid state type)
- team [team name] (CLIENT) (Changes your team. Sometimes fools localscripts.)
- nobillboardgui / nobgui / noname (Removes billboard and surface guis from your players (i.e. name guis at cafes))
- loopnobgui / loopnoname (Loop removes billboard and surface guis from your players (i.e. name guis at cafes))
- unloopnobgui / unloopnoname (Disables loopnobgui)
- nohead / headless (Removes your head (uses simulation radius))
- noarms (Removes your arms)
- nolegs (Removes your legs)
- nolimbs (Removes your limbs)
- naked (Removes your clothing)
- noface / removeface (Removes your face)
- blockhead (Turns your head into a block)
- blockhats (Turns your hats into blocks)
- blocktool (Turns the currently selected tool into a block)
- creeper (Makes you look like a creeper)
- drophats (Drops your hats)
- nohats / deletehats / rhats (Deletes your hats)
- hatspin / spinhats (Spins your characters accessories)
- unhatspin / unspinhats (Undoes spinhats)
- clearhats / cleanhats (Clears hats in the workspace)
- chardelete / cd [instance name] (Removes any part with a certain name from your character)
- chardeleteclass / cdc [class name] (Removes any part with a certain classname from your character)
- deletevelocity / dv / removeforces (Removes any velocity / force instances in your character)
- weaken [num] (Makes your character less dense)
- unweaken (Sets your characters CustomPhysicalProperties to default)
- strengthen [num] (Makes your character more dense (CustomPhysicalProperties))
- unstrengthen (Sets your characters CustomPhysicalProperties to default)
- breakvelocity (Sets your characters velocity to 0)
- spin [speed] (Spins your character)
- unspin (Disables spin)
- split (Splits your character in half)
- nilchar (Sets your characters parent to nil)
- unnilchar / nonilchar (Sets your characters parent to workspace)
- noroot / removeroot / rroot (Removes your characters HumanoidRootPart)
- replaceroot (Replaces your characters HumanoidRootPart)
- clearcharappearance / clearchar / clrchar (Removes all accessory, shirt, pants, charactermesh, and bodycolors)
- animation / anim [ID] [speed] (Makes your character perform an animation (must be by roblox to replicate))
- dance (Makes you d a n c e)
- undance (Stops dance animations)
- spasm (Makes you c r a z y)
- unspasm (Stops spasm)
- headthrow (Simply makes you throw your head)
- noanim (Disables your animations)
- reanim (Restores your animations)
- animspeed [num] (Changes the speed of your current animation)
- copyanimation / copyanim / copyemote [plr] (Copies someone elses animation)
- loopanimation / loopanim (Loops your current animation)
- stopanimations / stopanims (Stops running animations)
- refreshanimations / refreshanims / reanim (Refreshes animations)
- autoclick [click delay] [release delay] (Automatically clicks your mouse with a set delay)
- unautoclick / noautoclick (Turns off autoclick)
- autokeypress [key] [down delay] [up delay] (Automatically presses a key with a set delay)
- unautokeypress (Stops autokeypress)
- hovername (Shows a players username when your mouse is hovered over them)
- unhovername / nohovername (Turns off hovername)
- mousesensitivity / ms [0-10] (Sets your mouse sensitivity (affects first person and right click drag) (default is 1))
- clickdelete (Go to settings>Keybinds>Add for clicktp)
- clickteleport (Go to settings>Keybinds>Add for click tp)
- tools (Copies tools from ReplicatedStorage and Lighting)
- notools / removetools / deletetools (Removes tools from character and backpack)
- deleteselectedtool / dst (Removes any currently selected tools)
- grabtools (Automatically get tools that are dropped)
- ungrabtools / nograbtools (Disables grabtools)
- copytools [plr] (CLIENT) (Copies a players tools)
- dupetools / clonetools [num] (Duplicates your inventory tools a set ammount of times)
- droptools (Drops your tools)
- droppabletools (Makes your tools droppable)
- equiptools (Equips every tool in your inventory at once)
- reach [num] (Increases the hitbox of your held tool)
- unreach / noreach (Turns off reach)
- grippos [X Y Z] (Changes your current tools grip position)
- usetools [ammount] [delay] (Activates all tools in your backpack at the same time)
- addalias [cmd] [alias] (Adds an alias to a command)
- removealias [alias] (Removes a custom alias)
- clraliases (Removes all custom aliases)
- addplugin / plugin [name] (Add a plugin via command)
- removeplugin / deleteplugin [name] (Remove a plugin via command)
- reloadplugin [name] (Reloads a plugin)
- breakloops / break (cmd loops) (Stops any cmd loops (;100^1^cmd))
- removecmd / deletecmd (Removes a command until the admin is reloaded)
- tpwalk / teleportwalk (Teleports you to your move direction)
- untpwalk / unteleportwalk (Undoes tpwalk / teleportwalk)